Why is the Consultation in PMU  so important?

Establishing good communication with your clients during the consultation is crucial for ensuring a successful procedure. This article will provide insights into the key aspects of consultation to help you to improve customer relationships and achieve better results.

Several people have recently contacted me with problems related to the outcome of their procedures. These problems could have been avoided by improving the initial phase of the process: The Consultation. That's why I have decided to dedicate the next few weeks to discussing this critical issue and how it guarantees the perfection of your PMU procedures.

The consultation

It is essential to establish good communication with your clients during the consultation.

-Be kind and listen to them.

-Speak confidently and clearly to inform your clients of your services.

-Make your clients feel like they are VIP.

It doesn't matter if they were recommended from a friend or found you on social media, make sure they feel special.

Consultation  in Permanent Makeup
 Permanent Makeup professional

Introduce Yourself 

Give a formal introduction, explaining your training and experience.

I suggest you organize a portfolio with all available information and photographs of procedures performed, choosing representative cases of each procedure you perform. This will make your consultation easier for clients and give them confidence in your skills.

Fill the Forms

After the initial assessment, the clients should fill out corresponding forms, asking for all relevant information-including medical history, allergies, and current medications- that will help you to identify any conditions that contraindicate the PMU procedure.
Offer a Patch test 15 days before treatment; if the client accepts it, they must pay for this as an additional service to the procedure.

PMU Forms

Review the forms

After your clients fill out the forms, take your time to review them carefully and discuss any possible contraindications to the procedure with them.

Listen and Analyze

Make sure you clearly state what they want and what their expectations are.

First, analyze the client's face shape, eyes, skin and hair color, and makeup to state her style.

Then stop there momentarily and determine what effect you will create to select the technique, colors, and needles you will use during the permanent makeup procedure.

Consultation  in Permanent Makeup

Inform your Client

Informing your clients is an essential part of the consultation process.

Explain what the procedure is, what the risks are, and what kind of materials you use.

Take the time to explain the whole process including the healing time and when they will see the final result.

You both must be clear on all aspects of the procedure.

Take Pictures.

It's no secret that your work and the photographs you take will be what speak for you. It means you should always take them professionally.  This is the opportunity to capture the best possible image.

No picture? No procedure!

Professional Befoe and After Pictures in PMU

Four factors determine the final result in PMU, consultation, color selection, design, and technique.

    The forms that contain client information, procedure details, and informed consent are often overlooked by technicians. This can lead to problems later on in the treatment process.

    In my following articles, I will focus on each aspect of the consultation in detail.  I am sure It will help you improve your customer relationship and achieve better results.

Dra  Sandra Cardona

I hope that what I do, inspires you for your next Procedure!
 Talk soon,
 Dr. Sandra Cardona

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