10 Tips on Changing the Darkness | Lightness of Colors

10 Tips on Changing the Darkness | Lightness of Colors

Dr. Cardona 1 comment

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There are two situations when you need to change a color: A) If you want to change the pigment itself or B) If you need to change the color of an eyebrow from a previous permanent makeup procedure, keep in mind the following advice:

If you want to change the darkness or lightness of a pigment

Softap colors are ready to use. But in some situations, your client may want a lighter or darker tone on a color they like. 

Here are 5 Tips on how to do this:

  1. To lighten any color you can add Lemon-Aid or a few drops of distilled water.
  2. Lemon-Aid is a yellow color that allows lightening of a color without changing the tonal value of it too much.
  3. Water will make any color lighter and more transparent.
  4. Do not add any kind of white to lighten SofTap® colors. White is an opaque color, which does not allow the transparency of other colors and will alter the tonal value of any color.
  5. You can make any color darker either by adding a little Black Orchid, or a color in the same palette with a darker shade.

And remember that whether you use a machine or a hand device to deposit color into the skin, the more times you pass over the same area, the darker the color will become and the closer the color will get to what's in the bottle. 

If you want to change the darkness or lightness of a previous permanent makeup procedure.

These are 5 Tips on how to do it:

  1. If your client already has her eyebrows done with a dark brown, she likes the shade but wants it lighter, you may apply Lemon Aid. If you use the Softap hand method, do just one or two passes with 5 taps in each place.
  2. If the color is lighter, select a color in the same palette but darker.
  3. If the color changed to grey you may apply orange aid first and then apply a warm color.
  4. If the color changed to red, apply Lime-aid and then a neutral or cool color.
  5. If the color changed to purple, apply Lemon aid and then a neutral color.

I hope these tips serve you well. 


Dr. Cardona

Credit: SofTap Inc

1 comment

Betty Kangas
Betty Kangas

My eyebrows are bad I’m so self conscious it makes me depressed

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