How to charge $1,000 for Permanent Makeup on Eyebrows
Dr. CardonaOne of my students wanted to learn Softap because she knew a person in San Francisco who charged $1,000 for permanent makeup eyebrows.
When she took the course one of her questions was:
How can charge that price or higher to my clients?
The same response I gave her years ago, I'm going to share with you today.
My answer: Since I am one of the most expensive professionals in the area where I work I will teach you how to do it. I charge this price based on 4 principles:
- High Reputation
- Excellent Service
- Use of the best products
- Knowledge & determination
1. High Reputation!
Reputation is achieved when you have a recognition in your niche market.
How is it achieved?
When you are recommended by your own clients, when they speak for you, when they refer you to their entire network of friends and family.
Also, when you have a client who wants one and another procedure with you and then comes 2 years later for her touch up, when your clients travel from afar… At that time you have a good reputation.
This recognition allows you to charge what you want and your customers will pay you, because at that time, for them what they have to pay for the procedure, is secondary.
For your clients, the most important thing is that YOU are the one who makes their eyebrows, eyeliners or lips. Out of one person, I've come to have more than 50 direct and indirect referrals.
2. Offer an Excellent Service!
The service includes a series of experiences that my clients receive before, during and after the procedure. I dedicate the necessary time, I don't have people in my waiting room, and I interpret their tastes and needs to achieve the result they are looking for.
My clients receive a friendly call the next day, asking how the procedure was and a month later to know how are they doing at that time.
3. Use the best products on the market!
I have tried many pigments on the market, but definitely, Softap offers me the best. Of course, it's been important for me to know the pigments well so that I can imagine what the final result will be in each of my clients and thus achieve the result that my client is looking for.
4. Knowledge & determination!
I apply the color in an artistic way with the Softap manual technique. Being a manual technique, my clients understand that the procedure is like a work of art that it requires my skill and precision to achieve the result they want.
I offer a variety of effects to suit their tastes. And in addition, they experience minimal pain and trauma, so much that they can return to their office the same day if they wanted.
If you want to be in this group of people, you must also be in a market where clients can pay you what you want to charge!
Do the right marketing and use the technological aids that allow you to
communicate effectively with your clientele and keep your database up to date.
I hope you will take this into consideration.
Talk soon,
Dr. Sandra Piedad Cardona
Email: Info@BuyPermanentMakeup.com
Phone: +1(510)423-3014
PS: I created BuyPermanentMakeup.com to make sure that my students and the permanent makeup professional community had the best experience, products and service, along with ongoing education and content.