Recently some people have contacted me with questions about the relationship between pigment fixation and care after the permanent makeup or microblading procedure, so I decided to share this information with you.

Several Factores que afectan la fijación del pigmento Softap, incluyendo el tipo de piel de tu cliente, la respuesta de su sistema inmunológico, la cantidad de pasadas que hagas durante el procedimiento y la técnica que hayas realizado. Aún así, también es imperativo que la persona siga las instrucciones post-procedimiento ya que esto afecta directamente la retención del color y, por supuesto, el resultado final.
1. No tome aspirina antes de un procedimiento de Microblading o Cosmética Permanente.
2. Puede tomar Tylenol u otros analgésicos sin aspirina 1 hora antes de la intervención.
Crema Recover All
Sin duda, el Mejor producto para cicatrizar
Recover-All atrapa el color en la piel y comienza el proceso de curación de inmediato.
● If you have any inflammation, we recommend applying cold (ice packs) for 5 - 10 minutes every hour for the first three hours after the procedure. Ice is used to minimize swelling and provide comfort.
● Do not take aspirin, as this promotes bleeding at the treatment sites. The use of over-the-counter medication is recommended for the temporary relief of pain.
● Apply Recover All over the treatment area 2-3 times per day during the following week or when the area feels dry. Maintaining the hydrated area is essential for color retention, but avoid over-hydration.
● Do not remove any scabs or dry areas that may form during the healing process; this may cause you to lose color or damage your skin
● Do not use facial creams, exfoliants, or strong cleansers around your eyebrows during the healing process.
● You can clean the area with clean cotton with warm water. If water falls directly on your treated area, pad dry and don't rub.
● Avoid direct sun exposure during the first two weeks and use sunscreen.
● You should not smoke or be exposed to cigarette smoke for the first 48 hours as the tone of the makeup may change.
● You should avoid contact with chlorinated water (pool) during the first two weeks. Decrease regular work during the first 24 hours.
● Do not exercise such as aerobics, dancing, or lifting weights for at least three days after the procedure.
● The color will become dark immediately and be like that for the next 3-4 days, don't be alarmed; this dark color will fall off or gradually return to the color that was implanted. In some skin types, some pigment clearance may occur; therefore, if this happens, do NOT be alarmed either, this may be normal, and there will be pigment in the skin a month after the procedure. If no pigment is left one month after the procedure, it will be necessary to put it back.
● You will see the final result a month later. If at that moment you notice that you need some retouching, it is time to do it, and I will be happy to assist you. If you do not contact me during the month following the procedure, I will understand that you are satisfied with the result and that the work is finished.
●If you have any inflammation, we recommend applying cold (ice packs) for 5 - 10 minutes every hour for the first three hours after the procedure. Ice is used to minimize swelling and provide comfort.
● Do not take aspirin, as this promotes bleeding at the treatment sites. The use of over-the-counter medication is recommended for the temporary relief of pain.
● Apply RecoverAll over the treatment area 2-3 times per day during the following week or when the area feels dry. Maintaining the hydrated area is essential for color retention, but avoid over-hydration.
● Do not remove any scabs or dry areas that may form during the healing process; this may cause you to lose color or damage your skin
● Do not use facial creams, exfoliants, or strong cleansers around your cejas during the healing process.
● You can clean the area with clean cotton with warm water. If water falls directly on your treated area, pad dry and don't rub.
● Avoid direct sun exposure during the first two weeks and use sunscreen.
● You should not smoke or be exposed to cigarette smoke for the first 48 hours as the tone of the makeup may change.
● You should avoid contact with chlorinated water (pool) during the first two weeks. Decrease regular work during the first 24 hours.
● Do not exercise such as aerobics, dancing, or lifting weights for at least three days after the procedure.
● The color will become dark immediately and be like that for the next 3-4 days, don't be alarmed; this dark color will fall off or gradually return to the color that was implanted. In some skin types, some pigment clearance may occur; therefore, if this happens, do NOT be alarmed either, this may be normal, and there will be pigment in the skin a month after the procedure. If no pigment is left one month after the procedure, it will be necessary to put it back.
● You will see the final result a month later. If at that moment you notice that you need some retouching, it is time to do it, and I will be happy to assist you. If you do not contact me during the month following the procedure, I will understand that you are satisfied with the result and that the work is finished.

Black Orchid - 331- Color de delineador de ojos
Shop Now 1. We recommend using artificial tears, one drop in each eye, each hour during the first day after the procedure. It helps to keep your eyes hydrated and rinses any pigment or numbing cream residue
2. Clean the area using clean cotton soaked in warm water.
3. Apply Recover All using a cotton swab and gently dabbing it along the eyelashes of the upper and lower lids. This ointment is used to prevent infection and minimize crusting.
4. You should expect some swelling of the eyelids and or bruising around the eyelashes during the next morning.
5. You may use eye shadow on the second day; however, under no circumstance should the eye shadow powder come in contact with the eyelashes.
6. Mascara and eyeliner are not permitted for the first two weeks or until the pigment scabs are over.
7. Do not wear contact lenses during the procedure. Contact lenses may be resumed in two days
If you have ever broken out with a cold sore at any time of your life, you carry a herpes virus that can sometimes manifest itself as fever blisters. Fever blisters may occur on the lips following lip procedures in individuals prone to this problem. To help to prevent this, you should obtain a Zovirax prescription and take it as prescribed by your doctor (usually from the day before the procedure and for five days total)

Good communication is the key to satisfying your clientele
Good communication is the key to satisfying your clientele; therefore, give them the instructions in the attached format and confirm that they understand each step. Also, call them the next day for a follow-up. It gives confidence to your clients and reaffirms your commitment to a good result. I assure you that this call can avoid future claims.

I hope that what I do, inspires you for your next Procedure!
Talk soon,
Dr. Sandra Cardona
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