
The Iconic Colors

Softap's high-performance pigment line.

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Developed with over 35 years of extensive knowledge, research, industry feedback, and meticulous production processes; Iconic SofTap pigments set a new standard.

The Colors you Trust 
The results you Crave 

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Exceptional Staying Power

Achieving exceptional retention after just one appointment has been our primary focus.While leveraging key components from SofTap's original pigment line, we've meticulously crafted a professional-grade product that truly adheres, significantly reducing application time, minimizing touch-ups, and delivering stunning, natural-looking permanent makeup after a single session.

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Increased Stability

The manufacturing process behind the Iconic SofTap pigment line is intricately designed—where quality ingredients are just the beginning. 

Why did we choose such a demanding path?For the sake of enduring results.

Through our meticulous processing, we've successfully developed a pigment line with hues that maintain exceptional stability over extended periods.

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Skin Nourishing

SofTap's Iconic pigment line harnesses a blend of gentle yet potent ingredients to soothe and hydrate the skin throughout the entire permanent makeup procedure. 

Our innovative approach aims to transform the process of permanent cosmetics into a dual-purpose experience—effectively implanting pigment with utmost gentleness while infusing the skin with beneficial nutrients at a deeper level.

By excluding harsh and irritating ingredients from our pigments, we not only prioritize skin comfort but also minimize healing time and enhance pigment retention. Iconic SofTap pigments aim to ensure that every application is not only beautiful but also contributes to healthier, more nourished skin in the long term.

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Prioritizing Safety

At SofTap, prioritizing the use of safe ingredients isn't just a commitment—it's our highest priority.

Each ingredient undergoes meticulous research, rigorous scrutiny for toxicity, and thorough compliance checks.

We consider their long-term effects extensively, ensuring that every color formulation instills confidence in us to apply on our clients, our loved ones, and ourselves.

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Keeping It Natural

We love the "no-makeup" look.

The classic SofTap & new Iconic SofTap pigments utilize inorganic colorants (iron oxides), for their earthen hues that are best suited to enhance your natural beauty.

Paired with the gentle SofTap tools and techniques, pigment can be implanted as soft as a whisper, or as bold as pencil - truly ideal for professional pmu artists.

Test Our New Colors

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Iconic for Colors Brows
Sample Pack

Five essential brow pigments engineered to match the maximum range of skin tones and natural hair color   

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Iconic for Eyeliners and Brows
Sample Pack

Two Eyeliner pigments created wth our most common request, dark brow and blackest black plus the Five essential brow pigments.

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Iconic for Lips, Eyeliners and Brows Sample Pack

Four pigments that range from soft pink to bold berry; plus five essential brow pigments and two Eyeliner pigments. Right after results will be 30% darker than healed result

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The New Iconic High Performance Softap Colors

The Iconic Pigments line takes everything you love about Softap Colors and combines that with ingredients that promote healthy skin, colorants that are natural and safe, and the healed results you've been craving.

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5 New Eyebrow Pigments

They are thicker, creamier, and morestable.

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4 New Lip Pigments

They last longer between touchups and givepermanence without the risks of carbon.

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2 New Eyeliner Pigments

They deliver brighter tints of baby pink and nude with more staying power.

Why Our Customers Love Us

Enhanced retention, stable fading, gentle application on the skin, natural-looking healed results, ease of use, and optimal safety define our expertly formulated pigments.

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